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Trailer Transport

  • 100+ trailer quantity

  • Various types of container

  • High efficiency of departure orders

  • 1、Business covers all South China
  • 2、Having over 100 trailers concentrated in the Pearl River Delta region
  • 3、We can tow ordinary container, special container, dangerous goods container, etc
  • 4、The train can depart in half a day! High order efficiency

  • Contact Us
  • +86-13144832655(Mr.Lin)
Get in Touch with Us

General trade agency, international trade settlement, import logistics distribution, professional import customs clearance, import document processing, etc

  • Warehousing: +86-13144832655
  • Clearance of Goods & Trailer Transport:


  • Sea Freight: +86-18922394050
  • Hotline: 400-6500-575